1914: The First Recorded Polo Match Played at Shandur


By Arshad Irfan

In summer 1914 C.E, H.H. Shuja ul Mulk, the ruler of Chitral was on a visit to upper Chitral and Shandur with Assistant Political Agent Capt Wilson, Denis Grey (I.A). They started the journey from Chitral on Monday 6th July 1914 CE. Different people on the way to Shandur brought Ishperi (Tradition of bringing dairy and sweets to the guests as welcoming gesture) to His Highness. People were happy with his visit, they were firing guns to inform other villagers about the visit of the Mehtar in different places. People of Koghuzi arranged a polo match at Koghuzi polo ground. On Wednesday 8th July and on Thursday 9th July, there were polo matches played at Reshun polo ground. The people of Lon, Gohkeer, and Ovir were also present at the Reshun polo ground, Mehtar gave prizes and gifts to the people.

On 10th July Mehtar went to Charun for lunch. The women of Charun, Zait and Kuragh brought Ishperi to their Mehtar and Mehtar gave them gifts. On 11th July, the loyalparty reached Buni and gave gifts through Shah Abdul Hassan to the people of Buni and spent the night at Awi in Muhammad Nageen’s house. On 12 July, they went for a lunch at the house of Niamat Khan Charwelu of Meragram. Then went for another polo match arranged at Sonoghor. Mehtar Shuja ul Mulk and Captain Wilson stayed at Sonoghor for two days.

On 14th July they reached Mastuj Fort where the notables from Yarkhun, Mastuj and Laspur were waiting for them, they had a grand meeting with the notables at Mastuj fort. An informer came to Captain Wilson and informed him about the death of Lady Hardinge, the wife of the Viceroy of India, Baron Charles Hardinge. Mehtar Shuja ul Mulk canceled all their activities for three days. On 19th July they stayed at Harchin and on 20th July Captain Wilson, Mehtar Shuja ul Mulk with the Chitral polo team and other notables reached Shandur. They camped near the lake of Shandur at Mahoran Par. Many people, women, and children from Laspur were present at Shandur to meet their Mehtar. After two days of camping, from Gilgit the Assistant Political Agent of Gilgit with Governor of Ghizer, Murad Khan and their polo team reached Shandur. Mehtar Shuja ul mulk sent Mehtarjaw Dilaram Khan to receive the guests from Langar.

Winning Chitral Polo Team at Shandoor in 1959. Left to Right 1. Subedar Dosti Khan of Reshun 2. Charwelu of Singoor 3. DSP Anwar Ul Mulk of Broze 4. Saeed Imran Shah, Political Agent Chitral 5. Muzafar Ali Khan of Jang Bazar 6. Subedar Shah Ji of Sonoghur 7. Subedar Haider Quli Khan of Zargarandeh

On Thursday 23rd July 1914, a polo match was held in Shandur between Chitral and Ghizer polo teams. Chitral polo team consisted of 5 players, (1) Subadar Sarfaraz Shah, (2) Shams Panah, (3) Shadoni, (4) Ferooza, and (5) Mir of Awi while on the other side Raja Murad Khan himself was the captain of the Ghizer team. On that day Chitral had two goals ahead but Ghizer team did not accept their defeat. They decided to play the match again on Friday 24th July 1914 C.E. On this day it was the first of Ramazan of 1332 Hijri, and Chitral won the match. On 25th of July 1914 CE Murad Khan with Assistant Political Agent Gilgit and other notables left Shandur after they participated in meeting of some important matters with Mehtar Chitral APA and other Chitrali notables.

Mehtar Shuja ul mulk with other notables of Chitral stayed at Shandur for four more days and started their journey back to Mastuj on 29th July 1914 C.E. This can be considered as the first polo match held at Shandur between Gilgit & Chitral based on primary sources consisting of local documents of Chitral. Before that many polo matches had been played between Chitral and Gilgit team but those were not documented by anyone.

In Yadgar Muazam Khan Lal of Shali, we can find details about a match played at Wershigum under the captaincy of Mehtarjaw Ghulam Dastagir where Gilgiti team won the match by a big margin. Muazam Khan Lal made fun of Chitral polo team in his couplets. At that time Chitrali team members were (1) M.J Ghulam Dastagir, (2) M.J Asfandiyar Khan ,(3) Khosh Lal, (4) Ferooza Biag, (5) Sha Bumbur and (6) Sultan shah, while on other side Gilgiti teams members were (1) Raja Sikandar Khan , (2) Khuda Aman, (3) Khuda Dad, (4) Ali Dad and (5) Sultan Ali. The sixth player name is not mentioned there. This match was played in Wershigum before 1910 CE. The exact date is not known. Some Persian verses from Yadgar Muazam Khan Lal:

دلاخیز از خواب بیدار شو ۔۔۔۔۔ کہ منزل گران است ہوشیار شو
علیداد ہم درمیان تیز شد ۔۔۔۔۔ چو آتش ز دل شعلہ انگیز شد

کجا دیدہ بودی تو این شور را ۔۔۔۔۔ ہمین دست بازویم پر زور را
زدی لاف و گفتے کہ سر بر کنم ۔۔۔۔ علیداد را خاک بر سر کنم

خداداد آن مرد جا آفریں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ہمی از غضب زد گرہ در جبین
سوی شاہ بمبر دہن باز کرد ۔۔۔۔۔ بہ تندی بر آشفت آواز گرد

معظم خان لال، شَلی چترال

(From the Personal Records of Mirza Ghufran House and From the book of Yadgar Muazam Khan Lal of Shali Lower Chitral)

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